Trauma Injury First Aid
A major weaknes for patrol officers is managing trauma prior to Emergency Medical Services arrival. We will instruct your officers on best practices for the trauma victim. Tourniquets, airways, junction bleeds and more.
Ethics and Professionalism
Now more than ever our Police Officers should strive to meet the professional service needs of communities they serve by using the three I’s of Policing (Intelligence, Integrity and Interaction skills). This 8-hour course will Explain the generally accepted ethical and professional responsibilities of peace officers and list external and internal influences on those behaviors. We will explain the Continuum of Compromise, as well as explain the steps in the decision making model and the application of PLUS filters. This course is informative, interactive and scenario based. This instructor lead audio and video presentation is used to teach all levels of policing from rookie to veteran.
De-escalation Techniques
This hot button topic is always at the top of the list for training. We cover the types of communication, active listening and much more.
Modern police policy, creation and revision
Police policy is the foundation of any police agency. Now more than ever it is imperative that leaders understand the importance and liability concerns their agency could face without training and providing their officers with realistic and lawful policy. This 16-hour course will reguire students to successfully create policy that directly relates to current issues that departments face (use of force, vehicle pursuits, etc.)
16- hour Basic leadership course
Police leadership is extremely important and needed throughout America’s police agencies. This 16-hour course will explain the history of leadership in policing as well as leadership styles and getting the most out of your fellow officers. This course also provides many scenario based activities to asses while problem solving. This course is informative, interactive and scenario based. This instructor lead audio and video presentation is used to teach all levels of policing from rookie to veteran
16-hour SFST refresher
NHTSA certified 2 day refresher course. Day 1 overview of the three phases of OVI detection skills practice. Day 2 live drinkiing session. Comfortable friendly atmosphere, send us the ones who need this training and we will get them back into OVI shape.